Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

The GOOD is that I got my football sized dressing off my hand yesterday. I can now type two handed and do a few other things with it. Have to exercise it and then it aches but doing pretty good so far.

The BAD is that we were on our way to the bank and a couple of errands thursday night and our van was rear ended at a stop sign right in our neighboorhood. At least no one was hurt and we can drive the van until it goes into the shop.

The UGLY is what my hand looks like. The whole palm of my hand is purple bruises!! Now Purple is my favorite color but not on your body!!

This I am going to go try and sew for a few minutes. I should be able to pin pieces together and chain piece but I won't know until I try.


1 comment:

debbie m said...

Glad to here your all ok! Geesh!
I am so glad you didn't post a pic of your hand, lol. Not that I think you would, but I'd fall off my chair! When my son cut his thumb tip off I was such a bad mom. It didn't bother him at all, so I sat on the side of his bed and ask him all the important questions that would indicate something was not right, but I wouldn't look at it. My friend Sue came over and changed his dressing when it was time. After about 3 days I got brave enough to take care of it myself. I am very bad at that kind of thing.
I'm glad you're coming along as expected.