Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ok, I know we needed rain but it has to stop sometime!!! We have had 4 1/2 inches of rain in the last 24 hours and expecting more. They say we could have a total of 8 or more inches before it stops.

Since they say we might be having thunder storms off and on today I don't know if I will run the longarm or not. I will load the next quilt in line and then see what the weather is doing.

I started working on some blocks yesterday out of horse fabric to make a quilt for craft show season. I think this will have to be the last quilt top I make as I need to get everything quilted up and bound.

If this weather doesn't let up I will probably try and get the horse top put together.



kwiltnkats said...

Now that's a lot of rain. Days like that don't happen in San Diego, ever. Gosh if we got that much rain there would be accidents too many to count, flooding, and landslides. People would loose homes and restaurants toe the ocean! I say a warm cup of tea with needle and thread and bind away to be in order.

Betty said...

Lots and Lots of rain indeed. Sun is out today. I hope you got some of your binding done yesterday.