Tuesday, May 25, 2010

On the Frame

To answer a couple of question, no I didn't do an OFFICIAL SUNDAY STASH REPORT this week, just didn't have the time. I did not buy or use any fabric last week that had not already been reported so the report would have been zero anyway.

As for moving? Still waiting to hear back on the offer we put in but if we get the house it is probably about 5 or 6 miles from where we currently live. Wanted to say in the same zoning for high school and it is a really nice neighborhood.

This is the customer quilt that is currently on the frame. Very nice fall colors of batiks. I had no clue what color thread to use so ended up ordering a variegated king Tut thread that had just about all the colors in it and it is perfect. I will try and get a picture of that once the quilting is done.



Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordão said...

Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordão, uma atração muito imperdível, 30 dias de muita música e discontração, Campos do Jordão fica no alto da mantiqueira em um clima tipicamente de inverno europeu, venha conhecer e se discontrair. www.incampos.com

Eileen said...

Hope you get it.