Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Stash Report - November 21, 2010

Life got in the way this week and I used up very little stash but the flip side of that was that I was so busy that I didn't purchase any fabric either so a slight bit closer to my 100 yards net used by the end of the year.

Fabric used this week: .50 yards
Fabric used YTD: 242.75 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0
Fabric purchased YTD: 157.75
Net fabric used in 2010: 83

My numbers look like I better plan on spending the week between Christmas and New Years doing nothing but sewing to reach my goal.

How are you doing?



Tamera said...

Kathie...Nothing but sewing in the week between Christmas and New Year's sounds like a BLAST!

kwiltnkats said...

Hey a mini retreat at your home? Got a bed or a quilty spot on the floor where I can join? I hope you mentioned to Judy that she needs to get up earlier :)!

Betty said...

One more fair to go to and you will then have a sigh of relief. You will make your goal, hang in there.