1. Get a backing pieced and quilt loaded on the frame and quilted. I am getting to many tops (charity and craft show both) that need to be quilted and I have no backings ready.
2. Quilt customer lap quilt I will be getting today.
3. Finish Christmas blocks for Snowball/9 - patch quilt.
Do you consider yourself a neat and organized sewer or a disorganized one? I try to work on one project at a time to the next stage. Like blocks all finished and then put them neatly away and work on something else for awhile like put other blocks into a top. That keeps the clutter down a bit but somethings I have pieces and strips and what nots EVERYWHERE.
This is a picture making the first few 9 patch blocks. Doesn't look to bad does it? I should have really taken a pictures of the cutting table where the box of red and green strips were taking over everything.
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