Monday, March 31, 2014

Design Wall Monday - March 31st and Weekly Goals

Any time that I spent in the sewing room this last week was pretty much spent quilting on my funquilter and not sitting at the sewing machine.  I did start to work with my left over blocks from the other red/white and black quilt I was making and got the sashing done at least.  I was thinking of a piano key border but finally found a fabric in my stash that I could just do a large border with so going to hopefully work on that today.  

My goals for this week:

1.  Quilt at least one customer quilt (Hello Kitty)
2.  Get bindings put on the Layer Cake and baby quilt I quilted last week and send them off to my binding fairy.
3.  Get the outer border on and binding made for the smaller b/w/r quilt above.  
4.  Need to cut out a project for the next sewing group.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - March 29, 2014

Unfortunately don't have any big finishes or yardage usages to report this week.  I have been in kind of a funk and it has resulted in not much sewing.  On the good side I didn't feel like sewing so I did get three quilts quilted on the long arm.  One for a customer, one a baby quilt I had made a few months ago and also quilted my layer cake quilt.  

We had to close the quilt shop we owned in December due to not enough business.  With the holidays, myself being sick for a couple of months and then lousy weather I didn't really miss the shop.  We have continued to sell some items on etsy ( if you are interested) but that isn't keeping us very busy.   I guess now the not having a specific purpose to get up for in the morning and missing all the great customers is kicking in.  

Also the DD snagged a great summer paid internship for this summer so will be away from home most of the summer for the first time.  Was really looking forward to her being home from college but this is a great opportunity and I am very excited for her.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get out of a retired/empty nest funk I would appreciate it.  I know everyone goes through it.  We so look forward to this time in our life but then wonder What Next?   We are lucky as I know so many people that didn't make it to retirement age and know we will adjust in time.

Anyway enough of that.  I did need to pick up black fabric for sashing and fabric for backing from my mini shop so this week for once purchases are more than usage.  

This weeks Stats:

Used this week:  3.25 yards (backing)
Purchased this week:  4.75 (backing and sashing fabrics)

Fabric used YTD:  84 yards
Fabric purchased YTD:  24.75

Still great numbers.  

I have been playing a little with working with the left over black and white blocks so hope to have a picture of that to post tomorrow.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Black and White Left Overs

I had 16 left over black and white and red blocks from a yet to be put together quilt.  In trying to decide what to do with them without making any additional blocks, I pieced them into groups of four.

Then I was wondering about sashing etc.  Plan black just didn't work so added the red corner stores.  I like this much better.  

So far the quilt measures about 42 inches square.  Trying to decide on one wide border, multiple borders or maybe something pieced like a piano key.    Think I will just have to leave it on the design wall for a bit of aging before I decide.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today's Project

I have been in a quilting funk the last few days, just have not wanted to work on any of my projects and didn't feel like starting anything new either.  Decided to channel my not wanting to do any piecing into getting some quilts quilted.  

Today's project was to quilt my layer cake quilt.  I really love this springy quilt.

Tomorrow I hope to get a customer quilt done and after that if I still don't want to work on any of my current projects I will try and come up with a backing for another of the quilts in my stack waiting to be quilted.  

Actually maybe this is just what I need to get a few more things to the finished point.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Design Wall Monday - March 24, 2014

Last week I was at a two day retreat and spent day one making black and white with red blocks.   After counting them I realized that I had 16 more blocks than what was needed, oh well, sounds like another quilt.  

Anyway the quilt I had made these blocks for was pinned on my design wall, arranged and then numbered and stacked neatly to go with me to my next sewing function this coming weekend.  I like having simple to sew things ready for sewing groups so that I don't have to think and can sew and visit at the same time.  

My left over 16 blocks I put on the design wall to try and figure out what to do with them so they didn't get put away and forgot about (done that many times).  Decided to sew them into 4's but that is as far as I have got.  

I am thinking about putting a black sashing between the blocks and all around and then adding a couple more borders and making it into a small charity quilt.  Any other ideas?

Goals for the week:

1.  Bind two table runners that I quilted yesterday
2.  Quilt Customer Quilt
3.  Quilt layer cake quilt
4.  Sash small quilt above.

Have a wonderful week.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - March 23, 2014

I sewed a ton this week at three days of sewing functions.  A lot of what I was working on will not be counted in this weeks stash report but glad to be making progress on several items.

I did finish my layer cake quilt top, made a backing and also the binding so is now ready to be quilted.

In looking for something else I found lots of little 4 patch and rails blocks so I started sewing those into bigger blocks.  No idea what I will end up doing with them.

I also spent time making additional blocks for what will eventually be a queen sized quilt.  With having to make 99 blocks I get very bored and just make a few at a time.

I also spent a whole day working on red/white and black blocks but since they are currently on my design wall i will be showing those tomorrow.

My current stats are:

Fabric used this week:  8.75 yards (LC top, backing and binding)
Fabric Purchased this week:  0

Fabric Purchased YTD:  20 yards
Fabric Used YTD:  80.75 yards

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Retreat Day 1

Day one of our retreat was fun.  We are right on the water which is usually great but with a grey sky and snow still on the ground from our snowfall yesterday it wasn't near as pretty as usual.

We definitely had a good turn out of people.  One lady was demonstrating how to make a small purse, another how to make a crochet necklace and many ladies were helping others with layout and color ideas. We had a wonderful pot luck lunch and I got just about as much sewing done as talking.   Nice day!!

I managed to make all my strip sets for my black and white and red quilt and then cut them into blocks when I got home.

A friend of mine had been working on a couple of black and white runners and I had seen a couple of other quilts, one black and while and yellow and another black and white with a pop of bright green so I just had to get out my fabrics and finally use them.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Design Wall Monday - March 17, 2014 and Weekly Goals

I did ok on my weekly goals.  I didn't get the customer quilt quilted but I got everything else plus done.  I spent a day putting crystals on my Tiffany panel quilt, quilted and bound the Winter Inspiration quilt, quilted and bound several table runners and worked on the layer cake quilt.

My layer cake quilt is still on the design wall.  I got the backing made yesterday and then added borders on two sides.  Hope to get the other sides on today or tomorrow.

I also have one of my next projects cut and ready to go.  I had collected black/white and red fabric for a couple of years a few years back.  I have seen several people making black and white quilts lately so decided to pull out my stack of fabrics.  I discovered that I probably have enough black and white for 2 or 3 quilts so thought it was time I made one.

I will be going to a 2 day sewing retreat (no overnight just day time) the next two days weather permitting so thought this would be a great project to take to work on.

We have snow on the ground (AGAIN) so will probably spend a lot of time in my sewing room today, I definitely need something to keep me busy.  DD is currently at the airport hoping to fly out to Florida today (already has a several hour flight delay), I know I will be a nervous wreck till I find out she has reached her destination.

As far as goals for the week.   Think I will just stick with finally getting the customer quilt quilted and leave it as that.  I have the two day retreat with the guild and then a day of sewing with another sewing group so I know I will get loads done this week, just not exactly sure what.  I like to take 2 or 3 projects with me so I don't get bored with one thing.

Hope you have a great week, with NO MORE SNOW.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - March 16, 2014

I did quite a bit of sewing this week but not a lot that I will be counting in my numbers this last week.  

I spent a whole day putting crystals on my Tiffany panel quilt, quilted 2 runners and my Winter Inspiration quilt, cut scraps with my accuquilt go and cut out a black/white and red quilt to take to a sewing retreat this week to work on.  

My fabric use this week is some cream/beige fabrics I gave to a sewing friend that needed more variety and backings for several table runners.  

My stats for this week:  

Fabric purchased this week:  2 yards (for backing)
Fabric used this week:  6 yards

Fabric purchased YTD:  20 yards
Fabric used YTD:  71.5 yards

Still loving the ratio but will be glad when I have more used yardage I can report.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Update

It is amazing what can be accomplished when I have a few days of no appointments and very few errands to run.  

At our guild Monday night we had a speaker talk about what inspires you.  One of the things she mentioned was that everyone is creative at a different time of day.  I have the most energy, ideas etc. in the morning so now trying to hit the sewing room fairly early in the morning and leaving the chores and errands till later.  I am finding that I do get more accomplished that way.  

I have managed to get my layer cake blocks all into rows, next will be the sashing between the rows.

I also fully loaded my Tiffany panel quilt with a couple hundred crystals (hot fixed one at a time) and this morning have my Winter Inspiration on the frame.  

The kid (she will always be my kid) will be home from college tomorrow night for the first 3 days of her spring break.  Looking forward to that, will fit any sewing around her schedule.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Design Wall Monday - March 10, 2014 and Weekly Goals

Several things passed across my design wall in the last week.  First off was my Winter Inspiration quilt top that I made during our two days being stuck in the house due to ice and snow.   It was inspired by a simple quilt I saw displayed as part of a challenge at the Hampton Quilt Show.

I also made this easy spring table runner at my Thursday sewing group.  Usually this is a 12 inch block but changed the measurements so it would end up a 14 inch block.

I quilted a couple of table runners for upcoming craft show, my rails quilt and also a customer quilt so managed to meet all my goals.   Since I did a couple of new projects I figured it was time to get back to existing ones and started back on my layer cake quilt.  I got 4 of the rows together (currently on my design wall) and 3 more to go.  Once those are done then I will have to go back and add the sashing between the rows.

Nothing on my agenda for the next 3 days so I should be able to get a lot done in the sewing room, just not sure what at this point.  Maybe ...

1.  Continue working on the layer cake quilt and get all rows done.
2.  Quilt 2 spring time runners
3.  Quilt customer quilt
4.  Put crystals on my Tiffany panel quilt.

DD will be home from college for a couple of days this weekend before heading south for her spring break.  I was really down that I didn't think I would get to see her during spring break but nice to find out will see her this weekend and then next weekend also when she gets back and before she goes back to college.    I know things are changing and I will see less of her but this mom doesn't do real well with change.

Have a wonderful week and hope you have time to quilt.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - March 9, 2014

This week was good for the stash reduction with several items that got to the point (top finish) that I count the fabric.

My Winter Inspiration quilt that was inspired by a quilt we saw at the Hampton Quilt show was made during Monday and Tuesday while stuck in the house due to snow.  It was made entirely from stash.

I also made a couple of backings for things to be quilted and made a couple more table runner tops.  Sounds like I will need to do a lot of longarm quilting this week.

My stats are:

Fabric obtained this week:  4 yards (backing for Winter Inspiration)
Fabric used this week:  11.25 yards

Fabric purchased YTD:  18 yards
Fabric used YTD:  65.5 yards

Glad to see that my ratio of used to purchased remains so good even though I am having to purchase some backings.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Winter Inspiration

You know that array of blue/teal and purple fabrics I showed in my last posting?  Well after spending two days stuck in the house during snow and ice this is what I ended up with.  

Since I made it during winter weather and it was inspired by a quilt I saw at the Hampton Quilt Show last week I titled it Winter Inspiration.  I rarely name my quilts but this one seemed to fit.  

The floral fabric I nabbed from my quilt shop before we shut the doors and it has just been waiting for a good project.  I pulled fabrics from my stash, most of the batiks, that would go with the floral and had fun making this quick and easy quilt.   I can picture this being done with poinsettia fabric and red and green strips, or maybe a kids print with bright colors.  I definitely see another quilt like this in my future.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Design Wall Monday - March 3, 2014 and Weekly Goals

What was on my design wall the end of the weekend was my Tiffany panel quilt.  I had purchased these panels for sale in our etsy store and fell in love with it and had to make up one for our foyer.  I added a couple of borders and once quilted I am going to add Amethest and Sapphire crystals to add a little bling.

I fell in love with a simple quilt at the Hampton Quilt Show last Friday so Sunday I spent time pulling fabrics to make my version of that quilt.  Since we are currently having a snow day (sleet followed by between 7 to 9 inches of snow, or at least that is what the forecast says) I think this will be what I work on today.

I had a great week and a down week all combined.  I had a great week because I met all of my quilting goals and had a chance to go with three friends to the Hampton Quilt show.  I had a down week because I found out my DD will not be home from college for spring break later this month.  She is an only child and I had a difficult time with it when she went off to college a year and a half ago.  I have pretty much got used to it by now but now she isn't coming home for break and she is busy applying for internships for the summer and many of them are in DC so if she gets one of those she won't be home for summer either other than an occasional weekend.    I definitely have conflicting emotions about all of it.  I am glad she is happy and doing well in school and is developing a life of her own.  I am also excited for her that she will get a chance to go somewhere for break but I sure miss her.

Ok, what are my sewing goals for this week.  Weather permitting I have appointments a couple of days this week so will try not to make to many goals for myself.

1.  Make quilt top from the above teal and purple fabrics
2.  machine sew bindings on two table runners I quilted yesterday
3.  Quilt Rails quilt
4.  Quilt small Zoo customer quilt

If you are having snow today stay safe and warm and enjoy your snow day!!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - March 2, 2014

I had a couple of appointments this week so didn't get in as many hours sewing as I would have liked this week.  I sewed less and bought more.

Four of us went to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show in Hampton, VA on Friday.  I went with a mission of a couple of fabrics that I was specificly looking for and that was great.  I managed to find them and was not tempted to buy much else.

I picked up a burnt orange stonehenge I was looking for to make an inner border on a panel quilt, a teal for another wall hanging and a couple of Christmas fabrics for craft show table runners.  Not bad considering we were walking around for 5 1/2 hours!!!

I did make two table runner tops this week and a panel wall hanging.

Stats for this week are:

Fabric used this week:  3.25 yards
Fabric purchased this week:  5.25 yards

Fabric used YTD:  54.25
Fabric purchased YTD:  14

I am really liking the ratio of purchases to use.  I rearranged by fabric stacks this week and having to touch each and every piece really hit it home just how much fabric I do have.
