Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Midweek (Leap Day) Update

My only goals for this week were to quilt two customer quilts (lap sized) and finish my challenge quilt top.

I am doing great on those goals, customer quilts are done and I also managed to get a couple of my own table runners quilted. I need to start doing that again and quilt something of mine after every 2 or 3 customer jobs.

I also got one more round done on my challenge quilt, this is what it is currently looking like. So glad I found some bright green in my stash as I think it makes it look nice and bright.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Design Wall Monday - February 27, 2012

Both of my guilds have yearly challenges, sometimes I participate and sometimes not. Usually depends on how many "rules" they put in place. The current challenge from evening guild was selected by the president. She gathered up a huge bag of orphan blocks from the guild members without telling us what was going to happen. A couple of months ago she had us close our eyes, reach in the bag and select a block. In addition to that we were given a FQ of cream tone on tone fabric of which we were to use at least 8 square inches.... This is what I received.

I knew the first thing I wanted to do was put it on point, then decided to go ahead and use the required cream...

It sat on my design wall for a day or so while I rummaged around in my stash trying to find something to go with the fabrics. I had already purchased an outer border fabric and didn't want to buy anything else. I found this blue and had enough of the yellow left to make the required squares...

So this is what is currently on my design wall, waiting for inspiration on what to add next. The challenge requires the quilt to be at least 36 x 42 inches. I am aiming to make mine between 45 and 50 inches square.

I completed ALL my weekly goals last week, hurray!!!! This week I have a couple of appointments and friday we will be going to the University of Maryland for their admitted student open house so I am not going to set many goals other than to get a couple of customer quilts quilted and hopefully finish the challenge quilt top.

Have a wonderful week.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - February 26, 2012

I got a couple of tops done this week so finally have some good numbers to report. I finished Mandy's dorm quilt top

I also finally finished the hexagon table runner top that I started like a month ago...

My current stats are:

Fabric used this week: 7.75 yards
Fabric used YTD: 36.5 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 1.5 yards
Fabric purchased YTD: 19
Net fabric used in 2012: 17.5 yards

I broke my 3 week streak of not buying fabric but at least it was for a specific purpose. My guild is having a challenge. You drew an orphan block out of a bag and were given one FQ to go with it. Eight square inches at least of the FQ have to be used and you need to make a quilt at least 36 x 40 something.

Here is what I started with....

I will post a picture tomorrow on what I have done with it so far.

Have a great week.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Midweek Update

Seems like I have had a million errands to run this week but have also managed to make good progress on my goal list for the week:

1. Quilt customer lap quilt - DONE
2. Finish Mandy's quilt top - finished the top the other night, here it is.

not a very good picture of it as the light was funny but I like how the top turned out.

3. Quilt baby quilt - backing loaded on the frame and ready to quilt.

and yet again 4. Finally do the hexagon runner top - actually have been working on this. Have the blocks joined into rows, just need to sew the rows together.

Also have been learning some about the hidden costs of going to college. First we had to pay for SAT scores to be sent to the colleges, then it was application fees and now that she has selected a school it is Orientation fees!! Wouldn't you think that orientation fees would be included in tuition?

At the University of Maryland there is going to be a $160 fee for Mandy for the orientation (2 day) and $60 for each parent. Ok she does get overnight accomodations at the school, meals and a "free" t-shirt and I know it has to be paid for somehow as they have to have lots of extra staff for these functions but still think all this is some cost that should be hidden in your tuition? You know college is expensive, just didn't expect to have so many fees before she even goes.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday Stash Report and Monday Design Wall

I never got around to posting my sunday stash report yesterday as we went to Virginia in seach of a prom dress so that took most of the day. At least it was a successful trip.

My stats have not changed. The only thing I have been piecing this week is Mandy's quilt and since the top isn't finished yet I am not counting it yet. With going to a poetry reading, a play and making a trip to Virginia for a prom dress I didn't get the top done as planned. I did resist JoAnns/Quilt shops for the 3rd week in a row which I am proud of since I am addicted to all the newer fabrics. Stats are:

Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used YTD: 28.75 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0
Fabric purchased YTD: 17.5 yards
Net fabric used in 2012: 11.25 yards

As for my design wall? Again the only thing I have been working on is Mandy's quilt top so the design wall has nothing on it other than a little fuzz and loose threads.

As for my goals, think I got them all accomplished other than the hexagon runner.

This weeks goals are:

1. Quilt customer lap quilt
2. Finish Mandy's quilt top
3. Quilt baby quilt
and yet again 4. Finally do the hexagon runner top

Have a great week.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mid Week Update

Monday night was our guild meeting and I got this hospice quilt back from binding. The quilt was made by Jane, quilted by myself and Ann did the binding. I sure love all the pink and purples in this quilt.

I have been doing good on my list of goals for the week so far. I have blocks for 5 out of 11 rows of Mandy's quilt sewn into rows and I quilted the customer runner, baby quilt and lap quilt. Nice they were all small so could knock out several jobs without stressing my hand, which I am going to rest today.

Last night Mandy did her paperwork signing up to go to the University of Maryland in the fall so guess she is now officially a Terp!!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Design Wall Monday - February 13, 2012

Well Mandy's quilt is still on my design wall though I did start sewing the blocks together but only one row.

I did do pretty good with last weeks goals...

1. Finish the hexagone runner top - nope, nothing done

2. Finalize the layout of Mandy's quilt - yes, laid out and started to sew together

3. Make a pillow case (my friend is showing me today) -two pillow cases made


4. Quilt a customer kids quilt (also involves making a backing for it) - done, in fact quilted a second customer quilt.

As for this week, I have something planned 3 out of 5 evenings so don't know how much I will actually get done but heres my list.

1. Finally put together the hexagon runner

2. Get all Mandy's blocks sewn into rows

3. Machine sew binding on wreath wall hanging

4. Quilt customer runner

5. Quilt customer baby quilt

6. Quilt customer small lap quilt

Hopefully will get to pick up my new glasses today so hoping that I will be doing less squinting!!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - February 12, 2012

I didn't seem to do a whole lot of sewing this week but my numbers are great so must have got more done than I thought. Usage was on a couple of pillow cases, backing a couple of runners and using my stash for a customers quilt back since she forgot hers.

Weekly stats:

Fabric used this week: 7 yards
Fabric used YTD: 28.75 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0
Fabric purchased YTD: 17.5 yards
Net fabric used in 2012: 11.25 yards

Nice I was able to drive right by the quilt shop and JoAnns without going in this week.

We went and walked around the University of Maryland again yesterday to take a second look. Mandy still likes it but I think a little less. She saw the area where she will be living if she gets into the scholors program of her choice and it is the older looking area of campus. Of course on a dark, drab, misty cold day nothing looked thrilling except the inside of the student union building that was nice and warm.

Also while walking around she got a text that her best friend committed yesterday to going to NC State so she was sad as she hoped they would both be going to Maryland together. Not sure if any of this will change her mind on where she wants to go or not. Figure we can wait till after the official open house the beginning of March to commit. Exciting but stressful times for a teenager.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pillow Cases

My friend showed me how to make pillow cases with the decorative strip and french seams on monday, pretty much doing half the work of the first pillow case. Yesterday I decided to make another one before I forgot how to do it and before I used up the left over fabrics from Mandy's quilt on something else.

Quick, fun and I am sure she will be able to use a couple of extra pillow cases at college next year. I am sure the kids don't do laundry as often as they should!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midweek Update

Doing good on my to do list.

Monday Jane showed me how to make a pillow case so I have another one cut out and ready to sew sometime today. Will try and remember to take a picture when this second one is done.

We finalized the layout of Mandy's quilt. Now I just need to take it all off the design wall, numbering it as I go.

Hexagon runner still is just sitting in a pile, seem to keep getting distracted with other things.

I did make the backing and quilt the customer quilt yesterday afternoon so thats done. I also quilted my small Christmas fused fabric wreath this morning so will probably give the hand a rest from quilting now until tomorrow.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Design Wall Monday - February 6, 2012

Well I was hoping for a different outcome of the game last night but at least it was a great, nail biting game!!

My design wall is currently in the middle of the family room so that we can play with the blocks to Mandy's graduation/dorm quilt. Since the quilt is going to be 11 rows long to accomodate an extra long twin sized bed at college all the rows won't fit on the design wall.

What we intend on doing is getting the first 6 rows how we like them and then take the first 3 rows off (marking the blocks) and then move everything up on the board so we can lay out the rest of the quilt. Think that should work. Mandy is liking it so far.

This was my "to do" list from last week:
1. continue making more blocks for Mandy's graduation/dorm quilt (about 3/4 of the blocks are done).

2. deliver a bag of quilts to hospice house.

3. quilt a charity quilt

4. make another hexagon runner

#1 is the blocks on the design wall, #2 I delivered 8 quilts to hospice on friday, #3 was accomplished last week also and #4 is partially done. I got all the corners sewn on the hexagons but then I needed the design wall for the dorm quilt.

As for this week:

1. Finish the hexagone runner top

2. Finalize the layout of Mandy's quilt

3. Make a pillow case (my friend is showing me today)


4. Quilt a customer kids quilt (also involves making a backing for it).

Hope you have great success with your weeks to do list!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - February 5, 2012

This is currently what I am working on, another hexagon runner, but since the top isn't done yet I have not counted it in my stash report. The other one I made had black background, I think I like the light one better.

Continuing to make more graduation blocks but won't be counting that for awhile either so not a whole lot to report used on my stash report.

Current stats:
Fabric used this week: 1.25 yards
Fabric used YTD: 21.75 yards
Fabric purchased this week: ZERO, ZIP NADA
Fabric purchased YTD: 17.5
Net fabric used in 2012: 4.25 yards

I now have an additional reason to keep my numbers good, not only to use more than I buy but to keep the purchases down as much as possible. My daughter got accepted to the University of Maryland this week so it has been a thrilling few days but I am also starting to freak out a bit about the cost.

Maybe every time I want to go to JoAnns or the quilt shop for something I really don't NEED I can chant COLLEGE COLLEGE and turn in the other direction!!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Hospice Delivery

I dropped off a bag of eight quilts to our local hospice house today. Five of them were from my evening guild and the other 3 from my day time group. About 12 ladies contributed to these quilts either by donating fabrics, piecing tops, making backings, quilting or sewing on bindings. Makes for a nice group effort.

This quilt I had not shown finished before as it just came back from binding but was one of the quilts delivered today. It is bright and sunny and I had fun practicing some leaves on it.

Here is a picture of the latest hospice quilt that I quilted. This one Jane had just recently pieced but since it was calling out for the exact color of thread that I had on my machine it became the next to be quilted.

Hope everyone has had a great and productive week. I have had a great week, just not very productive.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

She Did It!!!!

Mandy got her acceptance to the University of Maryland last night, talk about excitement in our house. We had told her because of the cost she could only apply to in state universities. She applied to three and was accepted at all three!!! I am so proud my buttons are about to bust.

Maryland has always been her first choice but before she makes a final committment we are going to attend open houses for her top two schools to take another look.

I am doubly excited for her because I had to struggle to be a B student so would have never had this opportunity plus financially it just wasn't possible when I was that age.

I don't think she slept last night from the excitement and then also the realization that now she has to make a choice and it will be her first "adult" decision and a very important one.
