Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stashbusting Success and Failure

I needed a backing for a quilt this weekend and had two pieces of blue fabric that would work great, the problem was that neither of them was big enough and I was determined not to go to the fabric store to buy backing. I decided to cut some of both fabrics into 10 ½ squares and piece a checkerboard backing alternating the two different blues. It turned out looking great (will post a picture after I finish the quilt) and I was very proud of myself for staying out of the fabric store.

Then I fell off the fabric buying wagon. I just “had” to go buy a really nice quilt shop on the way home from an errand just to look around. Well of course everyone knows how that goes, I ended up coming out of the store with several different fabrics. On the good side this was not fabric just to but to put into my stash. The fabrics are to make several table runners and hopefully I can do that in the next couple of weeks.

I guess success half the time is ok.

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