This is a picture of the house that we are purchasing. It is going to be a quick closing with a move about a week after closing so we are going crazy doing things in our current house to be able to get it on the market not to long after we move.
I also started packing the first couple of boxes yesterday, boy that is going to be a long process.
I did take a break from cleaning and packing and all the other stuff and got a small customer quilt quilted and then the backing I was working on finished and loaded on the frame. I am going to try and get a craft show quilt loaded on the frame this afternoon.
I think for awhile my quilting time will be at night instead of watching TV. I am going to keep my frame up until a couple of days before we move so will see how much I can get done between now and then.
Congrats on your new home! It has great curb appeal. May the move go smoothly for you.
you are a busy woman quilting AND moving. The house looks, great--where are you going to quilt??
Congratulations on your future move. We made one three years ago, and I can remember the overwhelm at moving so much stuff. We had three garage sales to pare down and we still left stuff at the second hand store when we left cause there just wasn't any more room! But, now it's just a memory and we ceraonly enjoy our new "digs". You will to. It looks like a lovely house!!
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