Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Quit

I did it!!!!

I have been working in office settings for 35 years, 11 ½ years at my current company and 10 years on the same program. For a long time I had been wishing that I could leave my job and do something different, the last year or more the desire has been to quit and pursue a machine quilting business that I have slowly started.

Well, Tuesday morning I came into work turned in my resignation letter. It is exciting and scary all at the same time.

I intend on doing a lot of practicing on my quilt skills. I have mastered several free hand patterns but need to be able to do much more than I am capable of at this point. I do tell people that my nitch right now is simple designs at a low cost and that I try to have a quick turn around time. There seem to be a lot of people that would like that college dorm quilt, baby quilt or Christmas present done. They want it together, finished and with added texture but don’t want to spend a fortune.

I am hoping that I will be very busy quilting customer quilts and working on all my craft show items through the holidays and then beginning with the new year I would like to find some volunteer work to do 1 or 2 days a week in addition to the quilting.

As I get older I feel the need to do something with meaning to it, something that makes a difference or helps someone out. I feel some of that with the charity quilting I do but I also want to do something more direct.

I am sure I will have lots of ups and downs and just hope that I can make it work, and that it is the right decision.



Lori in South Dakota said...

Oh Kathie--how scarey but fun! Good luck on this new part of your life.

Mary Johnson said...

I get stressed quilting for other people so I don't envy you that but it will be nice for you to work on your own and get out of the office. I used to miss working but now between my quilting, managing HeartStrings and traveling - I find I stay to busy to miss it.